Does God Exist? A Conversation From a Spiritual Standpoint


There are many theories, science included, that exist to argue out the existence, or lack thereof, of a supreme being. Many argue that the sole existence of humanity, the world and entire universe point out to the presence of God. However, the emergence of atheism has brought in a dilemma to many people who seek answers. In this article, we purpose to walk with you step by step as we look at concise and straightforward pointers that prove God does exist.

But before we embark on this journey, let’s first deal with any underlying philosophical inclinations. This conversation will be worthless if you are already inclined to any thoughtful idea. If, for example, you are a firm believer that nothing out of the ordinary can exist, that is, there is no supreme being, then hardly any amount of evidence can convince you otherwise. Trying to answer the question, “Does God Exist?” would prove futile in the end. Having an open mind in this conversation is significant.

This post does not in any way seek to promote a particular religion. We are going to have this conversation in a spiritual point of view. Let’s get to it

Discoveries in Astronomy

The study and research in the astronomical field do prove that the entire universe indeed had a beginning. A single moment of creation existed. That said, it does make sense to say God created the whole world.

Atheists suggest that the universe is just eternal. They support the argument that everything that exists in the world is infinite. However, this reasoning beats logic because infinity does not exist mathematically. You cannot take away infinity from infinity. David Hilbert, one of the greatest world-renowned mathematician of the 19th and 20th century, states that infinity does not exist in reality. Neither is it in nature, nor does it give a valid basis for a sound argument. It is left just as an idea.

Because past events are not just ideas, they are the reality. The number of past events is therefore finite, and the past events cannot go back forever in a series. The universe must have begun to exist at a certain point.

There are several discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics to back this theory. The Big Bang theory already suggests that the universe and everything in it, including matter and space, came to being from literally nothing. Many other theories have since then come up to suggest the existence of the universe, but none of them has been more feasible in the scientific society than the Big Bang theory.

From this argument, we can, therefore, say that anything in existence has a cause, the universe began to exist and the universe, therefore, has a cause. The cause for this case must be timeless and changeless because it created time. It must also be immaterial because it created space and is therefore not physical.

It, therefore, brings us to the cause of the universe, which is its Creator. The big bang theory confirms there is indeed God.

God Makes Sense of Moral Values in Humanity

If there were no God, then humanity’s objective moral values would not exist. Actual moral values are what makes us know whether something is right or wrong, regardless of what we believe in.

For example, during World War II, Nazi totalitarianism and anti-Semitism was wrong even if the Nazis who executed the Holocaust thought it was right. It would have still been wrong even if the Nazis had gone on to win World War II and proceeded in eliminating and brain-washing everyone who held a contrary opinion over their policies. In this sense, moral values are not objective in the absence of God.

The late JL. Mackie, one of the most influential atheists of his time, admitted that if there are objective moral rules, they make the existence of God more likely than it would have been without them. There is, therefore, a defensible argument from morality to the presence of God. However, to argue that God does not exist, Mackie contested the existence of objective moral values. He wrote that it is easier to explain accurate moral values as a natural product of social and biological evolution.

To handle this argument, we must be careful not to be deceived that it aims to make us believe in God to live moral lives. Neither does it make us recognize objective moral values whereas not believing in God.

The question posed, instead, is, “If there is no God, do objective moral values exist?” There is no reason whatsoever, to believe that in the non-existence of God, human morality is objective. If there is no God at all, then what makes human beings unique? We become just natural products of nature.

When we look at, for example, rape from an atheistic point of view does not benefit society and has become a taboo in the course of evolution. That argument, however, doesn’t prove that rape is wrong. In this argument, there is nothing wrong with rape, other than the social consequences. This means that without God, no right and wrong imposes itself on our conscience.

However, we all know deep down that objective moral values do exist. Denying the existence of actual moral values is like denying the presence of the objective physical world.

Many people think that they fathom objective moral values. However, the man who says that it is morally acceptable to rape children and women is just as correct as of the man who says that the sun rises in the West.

Actions like rape, trafficking, child torture and abuse are not socially acceptable behaviour. They are moral abominations and are wrong. Equally, love, self-control and honesty are perfect.

Objective values cannot exist without God, but they do exist. This logically points towards the existence of God.

solar system

The Complexity of the Universe Design

Many examples show how God’s hand was involved in the design and creation of the universe. Below are some examples


No living thing on Earth can survive without water, yet it is colourless, odourless, and tasteless. Plants, animals and human beings consist of huge fractions of water, in humans, for example, two-thirds of the body is water. There are some characteristics of water that make it suitable for life, such as, there is ample margin between its boiling and freezing points. This makes it suitable to live in an area with varying temperatures. It is also home to animals such as fish and aquatic plants.

The Earth is made up of 71% water. 96.5% of this water is in the oceans. There is a system designed which naturally removes the salt from ocean water and distributes the water across the globe.

The Earth

The Earth is perfect in size. Its size and relative gravity hold a thin layer that mostly consists of oxygen and nitrogen gases, which extend roughly 80 kilometres above the Earth’s surface. If the Earth were smaller, the atmosphere would not exist, such as planet Mercury. Similarly, if the Earth were Larger, like Jupiter, its atmosphere would consist of free hydrogen. Earth is the only planet that has an atmosphere equipped with the right mixture of gases to accommodate plant, animal and human life.

The Earth is also located on the right distance from the sun. If the Earth were any closer to the sun, all its contents would burn up. Equally, if it were any further from the sun, we would freeze. Even a minute difference in Earth’s position would make life on Earth unbearable.

Earth’s moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth. This distance is due to the gravitational pull. The moon creates significant ocean tides and movement so that the ocean waters do not stagnate. The waters are also restrained from spilling to other continents.

The Human Brain

The human brain processes enormous amounts of information simultaneously. The brain takes in all the information about the environment including temperature, dryness of your lips, the colours of the objects you see, the sounds around you, pressure of the feet on the floor and the texture of the things you touch. The brain holds and processes thoughts, memories and emotions. The brain, at the same time, also monitors ongoing bodily functions such as hunger, eyelid movement, breathing pattern and movement of various muscles in the body.

The human brain can process more than one million messages in a second. Your brain analyses the significance of all this information and filters out the unimportant data. This evaluation is what helps you to focus and operate effectively. The brain’s functions differ to those of other organs. It has intelligence and can reason, produce feelings, dream and plan, take action and relate to other people.

The Eye

The eye can tell between seven million colours. There is automatic focusing and can handle a staggering 1.5 million messages, all concurrently.

Key Takeaways

Evolution and science both focus on mutation and changes in existing organisms. Evolution alone, however, does not wholly explain the source of the human brain or eye. It does not tell why the water from the oceans does not spill all over the continents.

There are many reasons to explain the existence of God. First, God makes sense as the origin of the entire universe. Second, God makes sense of the designing of the universe to accommodate intelligent life, as well as sustaining it. Lastly, God makes sense as the origin of the objective moral values in the world.

Theism is therefore plausible as it commends itself to the thoughtful consideration of every rational human being.